Brains, Programming Languages, Disconnected Enthusiasms

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Building maps with parsnip

To further demonstrate the brevity and power of Parsnip, here is the code for a simple grammar which accepts strings of the format "key1 = value1; key2 = value2;". The return value of the parser is an std::map of the key-value pairs.

Parser<string, Tuple2<string, string>>::type single_pair = letters >> skip(token_ch('=')) >> letters >> skip_ch(';');

Parser<string, std::map<string, string>>::type pair_parser = many< BuildMap<string, string> >(token(single_pair));

That's it!

Thursday, September 06, 2007

Parsing s-expressions with Parsnip

Moving to New York has been quite hectic, but I have found a few spare moments to keep working on Parsnip. The library is still patchy and probably full of undiscovered bugs, but nonetheless quite powerful.

As a demonstration of Parsnip's capabilities, I used the library to build a small s-expression parser.

First, we need some data structures to represent s-expressions in C++:

//All s-expression objects (nil, cons, number, etc...) derive from LispObject

struct LispObject
virtual bool isCons() { return false; }
virtual bool isNumber() { return false; }
virtual bool isSymbol() { return false; }
virtual bool isNil() { return false; }

virtual std::string toString()=0;

typedef ptr<LispObject> ObjPtr;

Cons cells are the fundamental element of s-expression lists.
Each cell contains a head (which is a data item, in the case of a flat list)
and a tail (which is the next cons cell in the list).
The last cell has a tail which points to nil (like a null-terminated string).

struct Cons : public LispObject
Cons(ObjPtr _head, ObjPtr _tail) : head(_head), tail(_tail) {}
virtual bool isCons() { return true; }
virtual std::string toString()
return "(" + head->toString() + " . " + tail->toString() + ")";

ObjPtr head;
ObjPtr tail;
typedef ptr<Cons> ConsPtr;

ObjPtr makeCons(ObjPtr head, ObjPtr tail)
return new Cons(head, tail);

Cons* toCons(ObjPtr obj)
return static_cast<Cons*>(obj.GetRawPointer());

// Symbols are any variable/identifier

struct Symbol : public LispObject
Symbol(const std::string& _name) : name(_name) {}
virtual bool isSymbol() { return true; }
std::string toString() { return name; }

std::string name;
typedef ptr<Symbol> SymPtr;

ObjPtr makeSymbol(const std::string& str)
return new Symbol(str);

// Number objects are boxed (or wrapped) floats

struct Number : public LispObject
Number(float _val) : value(_val) {}
virtual bool isNumber() { return true; }
std::string toString() { return to_string(value); }

float value;

typedef ptr<Number> NumPtr;

ObjPtr makeNumber(float val)
return new Number(val);

// Nil is the terminating element at the end of each list

struct NilObject : public LispObject
bool isNil() { return true; }

static ObjPtr getNil()
if (nil) { return nil; }
nil = new NilObject;
return nil;
std::string toString() { return "()"; }

static ObjPtr nil;
ObjPtr NilObject::nil;

ObjPtr getNil()
return NilObject::getNil();

The BuildCons accumulator class is a template parameter
to the many/many1 parser combinators.
Each ObjPtr accepted by the many/many1 parser is passed
to an instance of BuildCons.
A resulting cons-list can be extracted using the result() method.

struct BuildCons : public Accumulator
first_cell = getNil();
last_cell = first_cell;

virtual void accum(const ObjPtr& o)
static ObjPtr nil = getNil();
ObjPtr new_cell = makeCons(o, nil);
toCons(last_cell)->tail = new_cell;
last_cell = new_cell;
first_cell = makeCons(o, nil);
last_cell = first_cell;
virtual ObjPtr result() { return first_cell; }

ObjPtr first_cell;
ObjPtr last_cell;

Next, we construct the parser itself:

// An ObjParser is any parser which accepts an input std::string and returns an ObjPtr.

typedef Parser<string, ObjPtr>::type ObjParser;
ObjParser lisp_symbol = call1(makeSymbol, many1(letters | oneOf("+-/*=@!?&^~:<>%")));

The 'real' parser accepts strings such as "3.42" and "200".
The utility function makeNumber accepts a string and converts
it to a float.
The function 'call1' creates a parser which takes the result of
its second argument applies to that its first argument. In short,
it calls makeNumber.

ObjParser lisp_number = call1(makeNumber, real);

typedef Parser<string, void>::type VoidParser;

VoidParser LP = skip(token_ch('('));
VoidParser RP = skip(token_ch(')'));

ObjParser lisp_nil = call0(getNil, LP >> RP);
ObjParser lisp_atom = lisp_symbol | lisp_number | lisp_nil;

The lisp_cons parser can't refer to itself directly,
so we have to use a proxy LazyParser called cons_self.

ObjParser cons_self = lazy<string, ObjPtr>();
ObjParser lisp_cons = LP >> many<BuildCons>(token(lisp_atom | cons_self)) >> RP;
ObjParser lisp_expr = lisp_atom | lisp_cons;

setLazy(cons_self, lisp_cons);

Lastly, we add an input loop to test how the expressions get parsed:

std::string input;

while (true)
std::cout << "> ";
std::getline(std::cin, input);
Result<ObjPtr> result = parse(input, lisp_expr);
if (input == "exit") break;
if (parse_finished(result))
cout <>toString() << endl;
else if (input_consumed(result))
cout << "Unexpected end of input string " << endl;
int pos = parse_position(result);
cout << "Unexpected character '" << input[pos] << "' at position " << pos << endl;

And that's it! We're now half way to writing an s-expression based language (ie, a mini-lisp or a configuration DSL).